• Fen View

    Fen View

  • Clint Road

    Clint Road

  • Thwaite Road

    Thwaite Road

  • The Street

    The Street

  • Thorndon Church

    Thorndon Church

  • Black Horse Public House

    Black Horse Public House

  • Winter on the Set-A-Side

    Winter on the Set-A-Side

  • Remembrance Sunday

    Remembrance Sunday

Welcome to Thorndon


Enjoy looking around the Thorndon website and discovering why the village is such a lovely place to live or visit.

If you have any specific enquiries please contact the  Webmaster who will try to help.

All Saints Church also has its own Facebook page



PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS - 1st Thursday of each month 7.30pm, with the exception of August - Village Hall

THORNDON UNDER 5's TODDLER GROUP - every Wednesday, during term time, 10 - 12pm  - Village Hall

THORNDON WOMEN'S GROUP - 2nd Wednesday 8pm, except August, in the Village Hall (Contact Lyn 678913)

THORNDON CRAFT CLUB - 3rd Thursday in member's homes (Contact Avril 678749)

CARPET BOWLS - every Monday (September to April) 7pm - Village Hall

CANCER SUPPORT GROUP -1st Friday 10.30-12.30 at Eye Bowls Club; (Contact Liz 678338 / 870203)



Need You

Mon - Fri  8.00am to 1.00pm

Saturday 8am to 12noon

Sunday & Bank Holidays 8.30am to 12noon

Telephone: 01379 678291

We accept debit & credit cards on all transactions

The shop is run by volunteers who help to keep it stocked with an incredible range of food and household products. Not only do we need your custom, but also more Volunteers and it's a great way to make new friends! see more info