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Neighbourhood Plan

At the July 2016 Parish Council Meeting it was agreed that a plan should be created and to this end a Community Survey was to be undertaken to ascertain their views on how the village should be developed into the future The survey was undertaken during September and a Planning Committee was established to direct the process, their Terms of Reference can be viewed here.

Stage 7 - Adopting/Making the Plan

MSDC adopted the plan on 2nd March 2022. The Notice of Adoption can be viewed here.

The Neighbourhood Plan Referendum resulted in 92% voting in favour of adoption. MSDC aree making the necessary administrative changes prioir to Making the plan.

Stage 6 – Village Referendum February 24th 2022

Referendum was staged as planned. Turnout was 32% with 94% voting in favour.

MSDC have designated that the Village Referendum will occur on Thursday 24th February at Thorndon Village Hall, The official documents were released on 17th January and can be viewed on the MSDC website.

The draft referendum version of the plan was summited to MSDC for final review on 17th February 2021. The time scale for the preparation of the Referendum version was severely impacted by a court judgement in November 2020 relating to the Policy on Local Green Spaces. This case resulted in MSDC requiring legal advice on the wording that could be used in relation to Local Green Space policy statements. The allowed wording was finally agreed on 16th February 2021 enabling the final version of the plan to be drafted.

The supposed final referendum version of the plan was received from MSDC on 9th June 2021, it is hoped that the referendum would be held during August. However, MSDC required additional alterations to be made and the actual final version was received on 28th October 2021. Confirmation that it had been passed to Electoral Services team to proceed with arranging the local referendum. This FINAL plan can be viewed here.

Previous Stages

The Neighbourhood Plan preparation process includes a number of stages that have to be completed before the Plan is adopted. These are:

Stage 1 Designation of Neighbourhood Area

The Neighbourhood Plan Area, covering the whole of the parish, was designated Mid Suffolk District Council on 16th October 2017. The area involved in the Neighbourhood Plan is the whole of the Parish of Thorndon as shown on the Neighbourhood Area Map.

Stage 2 Information Gathering

To provide a sound evidence base for the Plan, the Planning Committee have commissioned surveys and the preparation of background “evidence” documents to support the policies in the Plan. These can be found here

A drop-in event was held in May 2019 seek views in various elements of the proposed plan,  the display boards of that event and the results can be viewed here.

Stage 3 Pre-Submission Consultation on Draft Neighbourhood Plan

We have now reached the Pre-Submission Consultation Stage which is a statutory requirement of the planning process. The consultation ran from Saturday 15th February 2020 to Monday 30th March 2020 (inclusive).  The draft Neighbourhood Plan document can be downloaded below.

We would welcome your comments, the value of which cannot be overstated, if we wish to have a plan which all can support. These can be submitted online or by completing the form below and returning it as instructed on the form.  Comments must be received by Monday 30th March 2020.

Link to Draft Neighbourhood Plan

Online Comments Form

Download Comments Form

A consultation launch Drop-in event was held at Thorndon Village Hall on Saturday 15th February 2020 between 10am and 3pm. The display boards for the event may be viewed here.

We are now reviewing all comments received and will make any necessary amendments to the Plan and then submit it to Mid Suffolk District Council in order that it can proceed to examination and Parish referendum later this year. Mid Suffolk will carry out a further consultation and details of that will be available here when the dates and details are known.

Stage 4 Submission of Plan to Mid Suffolk District Council

On 5 June 2020 the Parish Council submitted the Neighbourhood Plan, together with the Consultation Statement and Basic Conditions Statement, to Mid Suffolk District Council. They will check that the Plan and the associated documents are legally compliant before undertaking a further consultation. 

Mid Suffolk District Council confirmed receipt of the submitted plan documents on 12th June, to view the confirmation and associated documents announcing the subsequent consultation click on the title below. Details of this consultation can be found on the MSDC website here

Submission Confirmation

Submission Public Notice (regulation 16 consultation)

Submission Statutory Consultancy Letter (regulation 16 consultation)

To view the submitted plan documents please click on the title.

 Submission Neighbourhood Plan

 Consultation Statement

 Basic Conditions Statement

Mid Suffolk District Council have screened the Plan to determine whether it needs a Strategic Environmental Assessment or Habitats Regulations Assessment. In both instances it was concluded that an Assessment was not needed and the determination is on their website - link to Screening Opinion (March 2020)

Stage 5 Reg. 17 Independent Examination of Plan  August 2020

Mid Suffolk District Council have appointed Janet Cheesley BA (Hons) DipTP MRTPI to carry out an independent examination of the Thorndon NDP. On 21 September 2020, the Examiner issued her final report. It recommends that, subject to modification, the Thorndon NDP meets the basic conditions and that it should proceed to a local referendum. Full information of the examination can be found on the Mid Suffolk Website here.

Future Stages

7 – Making (adoption) of Plan by Mid Suffolk District Council (late 2021)


More information about Neighbourhood Plans can be found from the following resources:

Mid Suffolk District Council

Locality Neighbourhood Planning Support

Government Planning Guidance