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Quiet Lane Designations

Quiet Lanes Suffolk

Suffolk Highways who are organising the installation of posts and signs have had some staffing difficulties over the summer and so the installation programme has been delayed. They now have a part time team in place who are contacting

Wave 3

The Suffolk Highways Engineer has completed his assessment of the responses from the Highways consultation on all W3 lanes. A small number of objections were received, but the good news is that we have been advised that all W3 lanes will be recommended for designation. SHA are currently preparing the formal report to the SCC Cabinet member for transport which forms the basis of the Designation Notice. We anticipate that the formal Designation sign off and publication should not take as long as it did for W1 & W2.

Once the legal designation notice has been published then W3 parishes will be able to collect and install their own signs as per our procedure above.

Wave 4

Our W4 closing date passed at the end of January, we are now currently trying to establish which parishes are in a position to be taken forward to the formal Suffolk Highways consultation process. We know some parishes are in a good position with regard to that, but we are still trying to contact a few who expressed an interest but have not responded to our W4 readiness checklist request. We will endeavour to publish a list of W4 parishes by the end of March and hence arrange for the Highways consultation process to take place.

Thorndon is largely in Wave 3 with one lane in Wave 4