So what is TWAM? Tools With A Mission? A chance remark to Phil Tucker about disposing of an old laptop had him talking about TWAM, an organisation with its HQ in Ipswich, that collects, refurbishes then distributes, all those old tools and equipment that are no longer of any use to you, but would highly benefit others to earn a living - it seems a really worthwhile cause. And it's not just 'Man stuff' either, dressmaking, habadashery the list is endless! So, rather than take your unwanted items to the tip, let TWAM have them. Phil is happy to act as a collection point.
Phil Tucker
The Stables
2 Pond Farm
The Street
Eye IP23 7JN
01379 678400
For more information on the type of items needed, and they are many and varied, download the brochure or go to the TWAM website