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Consultation and Community Engagement

The creation of a Neighbourhood Plan has been underway since 2016. During the intervening period there have been many communications to the community:

Periodic updates via the Village Life Magazine and via Neighbourhood Watch mailings,

From the December 2018 Parish Council meeting a Neighbourhood Plan update has been a permanent agenda item, the minutes of these meetings are available on the Thorndon Website and are also circulated via Neighbourhood Watch mailings

In  early June 2016 Nick Ward of MSDC, under the auspices of the Parish Council,  hosted a public meeting and gave a presentation outlining the various types of Neighbourhood Plan and their probable impact on the planning process. After the presentation he fielded questions from the floor. Details of the presentation can be viewed here.

During March 2017 Glen Horn, the then District Councilor for Thorndon and champion of the creation of  Neighbourhood Plans, under the auspices of the Parish Council,  hosted a public Q&A meeting to clarify issues raised from the floor relating to many facets and concerns relating to the Neighbourhood Planning process.

On May 11th 2019 a Neighbourhood Plan Communication event was hosted by the Parish Council at the village hall, this was well attended with much useful discussion and interaction. The display boards for the event and the comments made can be viewed below.