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Care in the Community

For those living in a rural community it is not always easy to get emergency assistance when caring for elderly or frail relatives and friends.  The Debenham Project is an initiative which aims to fill that gap. For more details visit the website.



First Responders are a group of volunteers who respond to emergency calls in the local area; they operate on behalf of East of England Ambulance Service.  Their aim is to reach a potential life threatening emergency in the first vital minutes before the ambulance crew arrive on scene.  For more details visit the website.



Transport to Hospital - Age UK Suffolk  receive many calls from people on the subject of transport.   Visit the Age UK Suffolk website for a summary of key information for older people in Suffolk, telephone numbers and relevant links to appropriate websites.


Police Safer Neighbourhood - The local Safer Neighbourhood Team works with us and partner agencies to identify and address local concerns.  Understand the neighbourhood priorities, meet the team and read the latest key facts on the Suffolk Constabulary website.


TWAM - Tools With A Mission is a Christian charity sending tools across the world.   If you need  to dispose of old 'stuff', TWAM with its HQ in Ipswich, collects, refurbishes and distributes all those old tools and equipment that are no longer of any use but could be highly beneficial for others to earn a living with.  It's not just 'man stuff' - dressmaking, haberdashery, the list is endless! So, rather than take your unwanted items to the tip to be disposed of let TWAM recycle.  Phil Tucker is our local co-ordinator and is happy to act as the collection point in Thorndon.  Contact Phil on 01379 678400 and visit the TWAM website for more details.





We have received many calls since October last year from people who have
found that they can no longer get free transport to hospital for routine
appointments. There have been some changes in the way that transport is
arranged and in this factsheet we will be explaining these, as well as covering
other options available to transport you to hospital, and help with paying for