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Thorndon CEVCP School

Thorndon School
From April 2017 the headteacher is Mrs Victoria Gascoyne-Little. Previous heads include: Mrs Daphne Wells (1946-1983); Sally Harris (1983-1989); Steve Robins (1989-2010), Peter Arnold and lately Tamsin Little.


Victoria Gascoyne Cecil

The school was built in 1874 and originally educated children up to the age of 13 after which they transferred to Eye Grammar School.     Indoor toilets were added in the 1960s; a kitchen, third classroom, staff room and offices in 2002; and a new entrance lobby in 2009.

From the Prospectus:

“Thorndon School aims to be a friendly community where courtesy and self-discipline are nurtured and where each child is given the opportunity to make the most of individual talents.

“Our aim is to create an environment where each child is motivated to learn and develop as a whole person and one where standards are high.

“Children are encouraged to live as responsible and caring individuals who respect the lives and opinions ofothers.

“We believe that close contact between parents, teachers and governors will promote the attainment of these ideals.

Thorndon CEVCP School website