Home > Neighbourhood Plan > Evidence



During 2016 the Parish Council decided that a Community Survey should be undertaken to ascertain views on the future development of Thorndon Village. The details of the survey can be viewed here.

The Neighbourhood Plan Committee has collated evidence gathered from a number of sources to develop the Neighbourhood Plan and a draft plan was produced during 2018.  These activities where directed by the results of the various questions and topic areas in the community survey and the information divides into eight subject areas

Housing and Development





Highways and Transport

Public Services

Crime and Safety.

This draft plan document was reviewed by Mid Suffolk District Council officers and Places4People consultancy, the outcome of the review can be viewed here. As a result of this review the draft plan document was reduced to form base information for the Neighbourhood plan.

These documents can be viewed by

Initial Draft Plan Review

Initial Base Village Data 

Reports were requested from AECOM, a company commissioned by Locality, to access the viability of potential sites for future development, that report can be viewed here.

AECOM also made a study of the village in terms of architectural characteristics, special features, areas of interest, etc. and produced a detailed document of Design Guidelines to be considered in future developments. This report can be viewed here.

A significant element of the plan also addresses views in and around the village, Important Green Spaces in and around the village and area's within the village which have special landscape character. Documents which detail these can be viewed via the links below

Appraisal of Views

Local Green Space assessment

Special Landscape Area appraisal